Written on November 25, 2023 by Jordan Stachel, MS, RDN, CPT. To give you technically accurate, evidence-based information, content published on the Everlywell blog is reviewed by credentialed professionals with expertise in medical and bioscience fields.
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Many women and men can get yeast infections during their lifetime. However, some people may have questions regarding treating them and wonder if a yeast infection can go away on its own. Read this article for everything you need to know.
Yeast infections most typically affect women, as they are most often vaginal infections that can cause irritation, discharge, and itchiness of the genital areas.[1] Yeast infections are also known as vaginal candidiasis and affect many women at some point in their lifetime (an estimated 75% of women are affected with yeast infections at some point in their lifetime). While men can also get penile yeast infections, this condition affects men less often than it affects women.
Not all yeast infections are created equal, and some can present with more complications than others, depending on the frequency of infection, health status of the individual, and type of infection. Some signs of a more complicated infection can include [1]:
If you fall into one of these categories, it is advised to seek medical attention, rather than letting a yeast infection try to heal on its own.
Yeast infections are typically caused when the balance of candida inside the vagina is thrown off. While there can be several symptoms associated with yeast infections, some of the most common include [2]:
It is important to consult a qualified healthcare provider if you begin to notice any of these symptoms, especially if they persist. Because the symptoms associated with a yeast infection can mimic symptoms of other conditions, it is important to ensure that a qualified healthcare provider rules out other potential conditions and provides you with guidance tailored to the severity of symptoms experienced.
Aim to reduce your risk of developing yeast infections by wearing looser-fitting underwear, using antibiotics only when needed, using fragrance-free soaps, keeping your genital area clean, and urinating following sex.[3]
The short answer is, yes, yeast infections can sometimes go away on their own.[4] Sometimes, people find that managing symptoms by using anti-itch creams or antifungals can help to cool off any uncomfortable symptoms they are experiencing. There are also over-the-counter yeast infection treatments like Monistat® or certain suppositories that contain boric acid, a helpful antiseptic.
Depending on the cause of the yeast infection, some infections may go away on their own due to the rebalance of hormones. For example, if a woman has a yeast infection due to changes in hormones that are occurring during her menstrual cycle, the infection may go away once a woman’s hormone levels change again, making the vaginal pH less acidic.[5]
If a yeast infection does not clear up on its own, it may be recommended to take different antifungal medications, such as fluconazole and/or clotrimazole.[5] These are more powerful medications that usually eradicate the infection within a week.
You should treat the yeast infection if it does not seem to be clearing up on its own. If left untreated, yeast infections can get worse and cause inflammation and, in more extreme cases, invasive candidiasis.[6] This is a rare condition in which the yeast infection affects other areas of the body, including the blood, heart, brain, bones, and eyes. If you think that you may have a yeast infection, it is advised to consult a qualified healthcare provider for guidance.
While antifungal treatment may be needed in many cases to properly treat a yeast infection, people can take other measures to help reduce the occurrence of yeast infections. Some of these options include [7]:
Concerned about a possible yeast infection and want to speak with a healthcare provider? Just schedule a Women's Health Virtual Visit via the Everlywell telehealth option. You'll then get to speak with a provider who can understand your symptoms and give guidance on next steps, which may include prescriptions, test recommendations, and more.
Can A Yeast Infection Cause Bleeding?
Are Yeast Infections Contagious?
Can You Have Sex With A Yeast Infection?